2021 Annual Report

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Created by Texans, CPRIT carries out its mission through its Academic Research, Prevention, and Product Development Research programs. The appointed members of CPRIT’s governing body, the Oversight Committee, oversee the agency’s administrative and financial activities so that CPRIT can reduce the burden of cancer across the state.

Constitutional and Statutory Authority

Established under Article III, Section 67 of the Texas Constitution, CPRIT identifies and funds promising cancer research and prevention initiatives throughout the state. With support from Texas voters, the state legislature has authorized CPRIT to distribute up to $6 billion in general obligation bond proceeds for promising research and prevention projects over the next decade.

CPRIT’s governing statute, Chapter 102 of the Texas Health and Safety Code­, defines our three-part mission and shapes the principles and priorities that guide CPRIT’s programs.

The Oversight Committee

The Governor, Lieutenant Governor, and Speaker of the House each appoint three private citizens to serve as members of CPRIT’s Oversight Committee, the agency’s governing body. At least one member appointed by each state official is a physician or scientist with experience in oncology or public health. Oversight Committee members serve staggered six-year terms.

In addition to adopting priorities for each of CPRIT’s three program areas, the Oversight Committee approves grant awards and adopts policies necessary for executive meetings, grant distribution, and management of the agency.

At its August 18, 2021, meeting, the Oversight Committee unanimously elected Dr. Mahendra Patel (San Antonio) and Dr. David Cummings (San Angelo) to serve as Presiding Officer and Vice Presiding Officer, respectively, for two-year terms. Mr. Donald “Dee” Margo (El Paso) served as Presiding Officer from 2019 – 2021.

Learn more about the CPRIT Oversight Committee.

CPRIT’s Grant Programs

Using a rigorous, merit-based peer review process, CPRIT funds promising cancer-fighting initiatives through our Prevention, Academic Research, and Product Development Research programs. Our programs help form an indispensable life science ecosystem by connecting universities, researchers, physicians, companies, hospitals, and clinics across Texas. As the state’s largest cancer research and prevention institute, we are proud to fund projects that deliver invaluable discoveries, create high-quality jobs, and reduce cancer mortality rates across the state.


Grants Awarded for Academic Research, Product Development Research and Prevention Projects

$2.86 Billion

Committed Grant Funds


Grant Recipient Institutions, Organizations, and Companies

CPRIT has invested $2.555 billion in Academic Research and Product Development as of August 31, 2021

13.05 %

$333.4 million supports discovery stage research projects

24.36 %

$622.3 million supports translational research projects

30.35 %

$775.4 million supports clinical research projects

28.70 %

$733.6 million supports recruitment awards

3.54 %

$90.3 million supports training programs

Academic Research Program

CPRIT’s Academic Research Program helps Texas’ academic institutions conduct groundbreaking studies, recruit outstanding scientists, build world-class research facilities, and make critical advances in underfunded areas of cancer research. With our support, Texas institutions have developed cutting-edge technologies and advanced innovative discoveries that have bolstered the state’s cancer-fighting capabilities. CPRIT grantees’ successes over the last decade have helped fortify Texas’ reputation as a powerhouse in cancer research and prevention.


Academic research and recruitment awards to 40 institutions

$2.06 Billion

Total dollars in CPRIT academic research awards

$1.94 Billion

Other grants received after CPRIT award


Publications reporting research findings


New patents and patent applications


NCI Specialized Programs for Research Excellence awards – the most of any state

Product Development Program

Innovative discoveries are most valuable when they evolve into usable therapies and technologies. Developing new cancer drugs and devices is a multibillion-dollar, decades-long process. Early-stage development activities, such as preclinical studies, first in human trials, and creating regulatory data, are vital to this process. However, initial outside investment necessary to complete early-stage work is often hard to secure because of the risk of failure at this development stage. CPRIT’s Product Development Program accelerates early-stage development by funding Texas-based startups conducting the preliminary work needed to bring life-saving drugs and technologies to market.


Awards to 45 companies; $499 million committed

$3.8 billion

Raised after receiving CPRIT award
(8:1 funding ratio)


Texans employed at CPRIT-funded companies

$698 Million

increase in business activity from CPRIT programs

Prevention Program

Half of all cancers are preventable. Prevention measures such as vaccinations, screenings, survivorship resources, and tools for quitting tobacco and alcohol remain the most cost-effective means for controlling cancer. CPRIT’s Prevention Program funds projects that use dependable datapoints and methods to deliver evidence-based prevention services throughout Texas with a focus on medically underserved communities. Offering prevention services to Texas’ most vulnerable populations reduces direct and indirect causes of cancer cases and cancer deaths across the state.

The map below shows all CPRIT-funded prevention projects since 2010 by county.


Prevention awards in 2021 with 86 active projects

$300.3 Million

Dollars of prevention project awards to 54 organizations

7.6 Million

Prevention services, including 3.3 million clinical services


Cancer and cancer precursors discovered through CPRIT-funded screenings


Number of individuals who received first-time cancer screening


Treatment costs saved with every $1 spent on cancer prevention

Advisory Committees

CPRIT’s work requires a comprehensive understanding of issues at the forefront of cancer research and prevention initiatives. These include challenges limiting clinical trial advances, innovations in treating and detecting childhood cancers, Texas institutions’ contributions to the state’s life science ecosystem, and supporting cancer prevention and research in geographically diverse regions of the state. CPRIT staff and the Oversight Committee regularly consult with six advisory committees to keep abreast of the latest developments and to prudently address issues that most affect the state’s fight against cancer.

CPRIT’s FY 2021 Financial Information

FY 2021 Revenues

Legislative Appropriations $296,936,968
License, Fees, and Permits $297,207
Interest Income $191
Other $31,600
Total Revenues $297,265,966

FY 2021 Expenses

Salaries and Wages $4,054,271
Other Personnel Costs $880,223
Professional Fees and Services $12,990,381
Travel $995
Materials and Supplies $350,414
Communication and Utilities $364,053
Repairs and Maintenance $1,125
Rentals and Leases $13,663
Printing and Reproduction $38
Grant Payments $205,274,499
Other Operating Expenditures $734,979
Capital Outlay $0
Depreciation Expenses $49,299
Total Expenses $224,713,940
Excess of Revenues Over Expenditures   $72,552,026


CPRIT’s executive management is responsible for establishing and maintaining adequate internal control over financial reporting and compliance with applicable laws, regulations, contracts, and grant agreements, as well as other matters.

McConnell & Jones LLP, a certified public accounting firm, audited CPRIT’s financial statements for the year ending August 31, 2021, ascertaining that the statements “present fairly, in all material respects, the respective financial position of the governmental activities and governmental fund information of CPRIT as of August 31, 2021, and the respective changes in financial position for the year then ended in accordance with U.S. GAAP.”

As part of the audit report on the financial statements, McConnell & Jones LLP reviewed CPRIT’s internal control over financial reporting and performed tests of CPRIT’s compliance with certain provisions of laws, regulations, contracts, and grant agreements to ensure that the statements are free from material misstatements. McConnell & Jones LLP identified no instance of noncompliance or other matter that required reporting under Government Auditing Standards.